I work mostly on mathematical logic, mainly in model theory of fields and its interactions with algebraic geometry and number theory. Recently I’ve been interested in machine learning and its applications to arts.
Some research articles and preprints.
Semántica: anti-formalismo y anti-cuantitativismo junto a Esteban Mora. (2018).
Rosa es una rosa es una rosa junto Esteban Mora. (2016)
Rank and Dimension in Difference-Differential Fields in Notre-Dame Journal of Formal Logic. Volume 52, Number 4 (2011)
Algebraic jet spaces and Zilber’s dichotomy in DCFA in Revista de Matemática: Teoría y Aplicaciones. Volume 17, Number 1.(2010)
Differential Closed Fields of Characteristic Zero with a Generic Automorphism in Revista de Matemática: Teoría y Aplicaciones. Volume 14, Number 1.(2009)